Thursday, April 25, 2013
The Worldwide Church of God Kept the Passover Before the Church of God? really?
World Mission Society Church of God keep the passover according to teaching of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.
[False Claim]
The Church of God claims that Christ Ahnsahnghong is Jesus who came a second time because He restored the Passover. However, the Worldwide Church of God, which was established by Herbert W. Armstrong in the late 1930s, keeps all the festivals of the Old Testament as well as the Passover. Therefore, if we follow the logic of the Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong should be the Second Coming Jesus, not Ahnsahnghong.
1. Can the Passover, which does not contain the promise of eternal life, be the true Passover?
The slanderers say as if they keep the Passover completely since they keep the 14th day of Nissan. Can we say that they keep the Passover if they only keep the date? Not at all! Why is the Passover the truth of eternal life? It’s because God’s words, which promise eternal life, are contained in the Passover.
There are three teachings in the Passover.
1) God’s Passover is the 14th day of the first month by the sacred calendar. (Lev 23:5)
2) The Passover bread and wine represents Jesus’ flesh and blood. (Mt 26:17-28)
3) When we eat Jesus’ flesh and drink His blood, we can have eternal life. (Jn 6:53-56)
If any one of these is missing, it cannot be the truth of eternal life or be called the true Passover. In the Passover taught by Armstrong, however, there are only the 1st and 2nd teachings, and it does not have the most important 3rd teaching, the promise of eternal life. The Passover taught by Armstrong does not contain the words of life, so their feast cannot be considered as the true Passover. For this reason, the claim postulated by the slanderers, “Armstrong restored the Passover,” is not true.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Did Christ Ahnsahnghong come as King David? Spritual David?
It’s prophesied that Christ is to appear a second time to bring salvation (Hebrews 9:28.) How can we recognize Christ who is to appear again? Since the Bible testifies about Christ (John 5:39), we can recognize Him ONLY through the Bible. Among many prophecies, the above video shows that Christ Ahnsahnghong accomplished the prophecy of King David.
Some slanderers, who deny Christ Ahnsahnghong, argue that Christ Ahnsahnghong did not fulfill the prophecy about the throne of King David because He was baptized at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1948 and stayed there for 16 years before He founded the Church of God. They do not know the Bible and the prophecy. 2,000 years ago, Jesus was baptized and then preached the gospel, keeping the Sabbath with the Jews in their synagogues. And He did not keep the New Covenant right after his baptism. He established the New Covenant Passover on the night before He was crucified. Likewise, Christ Ahnsahnghong preached even in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church before He founded the Church of God. For this topic, please refer to this page.
Christ Ahnsahnghong prophesied that He would die after 37 years of His ministry. Who can tell when he will be born and when he will die? Christ Ahnsahnghong came to this earth according to the prophecy of the Bible and ascended to heaven according to the prophecy of the Bible.

What is a sign which enables us to recognize David? The prophetical David must bring the eternal covenant with Him as a sign.
Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David. (Isaiah 55:3)
May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal [everlasting] covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep (Hebrews 13:20)
The covenant in the blood of Jesus is the Passover of the New Covenant:
In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup [The Passover wine] is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. (Luke 22:20)
2,000 years ago, only Jesus gave a blessing of the forgiveness of sins with the Passover bread and wine, though there were many priests. Today, only Christ Ahnsahnghong brought the Passover for our salvation, though there are a lot of pastors and biblicists around the world. It’s because only the prophetical David can reveal the New Covenant since it’s a sign of David. Christ Ahnsahnghong is surely the prophetical David who is to appear in the last days to save mankind.
Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the LORD their God and David their king. They will come trembling to the LORD and to his blessings [salvation] in the last days. (Hosea 3:5)
Monday, April 22, 2013
The Church of God Sectarianized After Christ Ahnsahnghong Ascended? Really?
[False Claim of NCPCOG]
After Christ Ahnsahnghong ascended, the church was divided into two groups; the “NCPCOG” and the “Church of God.” Therefore, the “World Mission Society Church of God” that believes in God the Mother is one of sectarianized churches and cannot be considered as the original church.
1. The situation of the early Church
Their claim is just a childish play on words of those who are busy slandering the Church of God without studying the truth we preach.
In the manner that they insist, they must say that the early Church is not the original one, either. At Jesus’ first coming, people who did not receive the truth fully left the church. Just because there were such people, can they insist that the early Church which was led by the apostles is not the original Church of God Jesus established?
Jn 6:66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
1Ti 1:19-20 . . . Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith. Among them are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan to be taught not to blaspheme.
1Jn 2:19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.
It is the same with the Church of God. Those who did not receive the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong left the church and made a group, but it does not mean that the Church of God was sectarianized.
2. Our church is the original authentic church
The last general meeting, which Christ Ahnsahnghong held when He was on this earth, was in January 1985.
When we find out where the people, who participated in the last general meeting, are now, the matter becomes clearer. Heavenly Mother, the General Pastor and elders who were with our Heavenly Father at that time, are now in the World Mission Society Church of God. Therefore, their claim that our church was divided is wrong.
Moreover, Father personally testified about Heavenly Mother. (Refer to 4, 5, 6 of 1-2). Therefore, the “World Mission Society Church of God,” which believes in Heavenly Mother whom Father testified about, is the original church that was established by Heavenly Father Ahnsahnghong.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
The Happy Moments for Families to Share Love Together (christ Ahnsahnghong, World Mission Society Church of God)
I'm happy with Christ Ahnsahnghong in World Mission Society Church of God.
I'm happy with God the Mother in World Mission Society Church of God.
In May, called the “month of family” in Korea, when summer was just around the corner, a meaningful event was held at the Okcheon Go&Come Training Institute. On May 10, the “2nd New Jerusalem Festival for Families” was successfully held; over 12,000 people including the members and their families from the northern areas of Gyeonggi Province were invited to the event.
Under the clear blue sky spread out like a picture, each family gathered together to share food they’d prepared. After lunch, they spent quality time with their family, taking a look around the Institute and posing for pictures in front of the man-made waterfall pouring down cool refreshing water. They also took a look at the photos exhibited in the main building and the education hall, through which they found out the present status of the domestic and overseas missions. In addition, they watched a Church video containing an overview of volunteer activities on the big projector screen installed in front of the Theological Seminary.
Around 1 p.m., the welcoming ceremony began. Mother expressed Her warm welcome and gratitude to the members and their families who participated in the Festival and made the event more meaningful and successful. She told them about the blessings of the kingdom of heaven, their spiritual home, and expressed Her wish for them to live joyful and happy lives by sharing the blessings of heaven with their loving family members.
General Pastor Joo-Cheol Kim prayed for all the members of each family to be bound together in love and live in peace and harmony. Then he briefly introduced the history of the Church of God, saying that the Church of God believes in God the Mother, following the truth of the Bible. In addition, he expressed his hope that they would have a great time with their family members sharing love together and enjoying the beautiful weather and that they would also become bonded together in the heavenly family.
The event started with a magnificent and powerful performance by the Brass Band. It was accompanied by a medley of children’s songs, a fan dance and floral coronet dance by the cute little angels. Their performances livened up the atmosphere of the event. Then there were performances by the Messiah Orchestra, the 38th Overseas Visiting Group and the United Choir and the Men’s Choir, and it made the event much more enjoyable.
After the performance event, traditional Korea folk games were played in the outdoor soccer field: neolttwigi (seesaw jumping), gulungsoi (trundling a hoop), tuho (arrow throwing game), jegichagi (shuttlecock kicking), ttakjichigi (slap-match game), etc. All the members of each family, from grandparents to grandchildren, had fun playing the games in spite of the hot sun in early summer.
This day, love was in full bloom among the members of each family. All the participants returned with joy and satisfaction, saying, “We don’t get together often because each of us is so busy. Today, all of our family members have gathered together after a long time. We had a really good time.” The New Jerusalem Festival for Families will be continuously held for each Union of the local Churches.
I'm happy with God the Mother in World Mission Society Church of God.
In May, called the “month of family” in Korea, when summer was just around the corner, a meaningful event was held at the Okcheon Go&Come Training Institute. On May 10, the “2nd New Jerusalem Festival for Families” was successfully held; over 12,000 people including the members and their families from the northern areas of Gyeonggi Province were invited to the event.
Under the clear blue sky spread out like a picture, each family gathered together to share food they’d prepared. After lunch, they spent quality time with their family, taking a look around the Institute and posing for pictures in front of the man-made waterfall pouring down cool refreshing water. They also took a look at the photos exhibited in the main building and the education hall, through which they found out the present status of the domestic and overseas missions. In addition, they watched a Church video containing an overview of volunteer activities on the big projector screen installed in front of the Theological Seminary.
Around 1 p.m., the welcoming ceremony began. Mother expressed Her warm welcome and gratitude to the members and their families who participated in the Festival and made the event more meaningful and successful. She told them about the blessings of the kingdom of heaven, their spiritual home, and expressed Her wish for them to live joyful and happy lives by sharing the blessings of heaven with their loving family members.
General Pastor Joo-Cheol Kim prayed for all the members of each family to be bound together in love and live in peace and harmony. Then he briefly introduced the history of the Church of God, saying that the Church of God believes in God the Mother, following the truth of the Bible. In addition, he expressed his hope that they would have a great time with their family members sharing love together and enjoying the beautiful weather and that they would also become bonded together in the heavenly family.
The event started with a magnificent and powerful performance by the Brass Band. It was accompanied by a medley of children’s songs, a fan dance and floral coronet dance by the cute little angels. Their performances livened up the atmosphere of the event. Then there were performances by the Messiah Orchestra, the 38th Overseas Visiting Group and the United Choir and the Men’s Choir, and it made the event much more enjoyable.
After the performance event, traditional Korea folk games were played in the outdoor soccer field: neolttwigi (seesaw jumping), gulungsoi (trundling a hoop), tuho (arrow throwing game), jegichagi (shuttlecock kicking), ttakjichigi (slap-match game), etc. All the members of each family, from grandparents to grandchildren, had fun playing the games in spite of the hot sun in early summer.
This day, love was in full bloom among the members of each family. All the participants returned with joy and satisfaction, saying, “We don’t get together often because each of us is so busy. Today, all of our family members have gathered together after a long time. We had a really good time.” The New Jerusalem Festival for Families will be continuously held for each Union of the local Churches.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Love (Christ Ahnsahnghong, World Mission Society Church of God, wmscog)
Christ Ahnsahnghong loves us in World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog).
I love Christ Ahnsahnghong in World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog).
Corinthians Chapter 13
Growing up as the only child, Ireceived love from all of my family; grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles.
SinceI didn't know how to give love and was just familiar receiving it, it was stillthe same for me in Zion.
Even though I realized Heavenly Father and Mother’slove, I was a sinner who thought that Their love was reasonable.
Mother always emphasizes to ‘givelove’.
It wasn't easy to put in my heart, the heaven’s love that I forgot, the love thatHeavenly Mother continuously gives us.
I recently heard general pastor’s sermon about Mother’s love.
ReadingCorinthians chapter 13 verses 4 to 7, I questioned myself when I could givethis kind of love.
When general pastor said that this love is ‘thelove that comes from Mother,’ my mind became vacant.
Corinthianschapter 13 abridged into one word:
Evenwhen I didn't follow complaining that, ‘I can’t do it,’ ‘it is too difficult,’ ‘howcan I give this kind of love,’ Mother was giving me that love that wasdifficult for me.
Motherwas always giving this extremely boundless love, the love that considers moreof Her children instead of Herself.
Mother, I now realize that You are the true nature oflove.
Pleaseforgive this arrogant and foolish sinner. Please let me be the child resemblingMother’s love, and be the one who fully spreads Mother’s love in this wholeworld.
I will throw away my selfish self, and deliver Mother’slove that this world does not contain.
I love Christ Ahnsahnghong in World Mission Society Church of God(wmscog).
Corinthians Chapter 13
Growing up as the only child, Ireceived love from all of my family; grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles.
SinceI didn't know how to give love and was just familiar receiving it, it was stillthe same for me in Zion.
Even though I realized Heavenly Father and Mother’slove, I was a sinner who thought that Their love was reasonable.
Mother always emphasizes to ‘givelove’.
It wasn't easy to put in my heart, the heaven’s love that I forgot, the love thatHeavenly Mother continuously gives us.
I recently heard general pastor’s sermon about Mother’s love.
ReadingCorinthians chapter 13 verses 4 to 7, I questioned myself when I could givethis kind of love.
When general pastor said that this love is ‘thelove that comes from Mother,’ my mind became vacant.
Corinthianschapter 13 abridged into one word:
Evenwhen I didn't follow complaining that, ‘I can’t do it,’ ‘it is too difficult,’ ‘howcan I give this kind of love,’ Mother was giving me that love that wasdifficult for me.
Motherwas always giving this extremely boundless love, the love that considers moreof Her children instead of Herself.
Mother, I now realize that You are the true nature oflove.
Pleaseforgive this arrogant and foolish sinner. Please let me be the child resemblingMother’s love, and be the one who fully spreads Mother’s love in this wholeworld.
I will throw away my selfish self, and deliver Mother’slove that this world does not contain.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Get rid of the oldyeast - Christ Ahnsahnghong, World Mission Society Church of God
Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother are in World Mission Society Church of God
Thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother in World Mission Society Church of God
First of all, I would like to give thanks to Elohim God for allowing me to sending forth the fragrance of Zion.
At the age of five, I got baptized holding by my parents and since then, I have belonged to Church of God for around 20 years. Looking back into the past, my mind was full of the old yeasts, I could say. Without a doubt, I have been given some opportunities to repent and to clothe in the words of God many times. However, this foolish one regarded that the love I receive from Heavenly Mother is just the matter of course, without understanding how hard She went through all the hardships. It seemed most church members thought I have a sincere belief for I have been in the truth for long time. Actually, I have not properly read the book of truth a tall.
I knew I did not have enough love toward Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother so I decided to start Bible study in earnest and asked my pastor about my status of Belief State...
“Pastor, I work so I don’t have enough time to study the Bible. But then, is it okay to study at 6 in the morning?
With a smiling bright face, he said it was fine with him, as if he was waiting for that very question. Since then, I started the Bible study with him and after it’s finished, I had breakfast and went to work. The word of God was completely move itself. Even at work, my mind was full of studying the Bible, wishing it could get tomorrow morning soon. After studying for two consecutive months, I could finally pass the preaching book level 1.
Seeing a deacon who was cleaning the sanctuary very early in the morning for two months and deaconess who were preparing breakfast for us, I could feel the love of Heavenly Mother. Then, as if everything was already set up, I was allowed the opportunity to preach the gospel with university students in Zion, who were full of passion and ambition. I had many things to learn and try but it was a gracious time to learn and feel the Mother’s love in person. Now I realize everything was prepared in order Mother to save this mere sinner.
In this autumn festival,I prayed to God in tears with earnest mind every morning and evening, repenting the season without knowing how precious our truth is for long time. Finally, God answered my prayer with the fruit.I was allowed to bear a fruit of university student on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
The brother, a Harvard University student watched the Church Introduction Video and he was very surprised with the number of Church around the world. After confirming Heavenly Mother by the words of God in the Bible, he finally received the blessing of the salvation like a gentle lamb. Just obeying Mother’s words allowed me the blessing of precious fruit.
I truly give thanks to Elohim God for allowing me the forgiveness of sin and even completing the mission of preaching the gospel, even though I didn't know nor feel the Mother’s love.
At last, I hope in Heavenly Mother, taking Her love to heart and I will do my best to complete the mission of this precious gospel work allowed from Mother. Heavenly Mother! I really thank you!
Thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother in World Mission Society Church of God
First of all, I would like to give thanks to Elohim God for allowing me to sending forth the fragrance of Zion.
At the age of five, I got baptized holding by my parents and since then, I have belonged to Church of God for around 20 years. Looking back into the past, my mind was full of the old yeasts, I could say. Without a doubt, I have been given some opportunities to repent and to clothe in the words of God many times. However, this foolish one regarded that the love I receive from Heavenly Mother is just the matter of course, without understanding how hard She went through all the hardships. It seemed most church members thought I have a sincere belief for I have been in the truth for long time. Actually, I have not properly read the book of truth a tall.
I knew I did not have enough love toward Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother so I decided to start Bible study in earnest and asked my pastor about my status of Belief State...
“Pastor, I work so I don’t have enough time to study the Bible. But then, is it okay to study at 6 in the morning?
With a smiling bright face, he said it was fine with him, as if he was waiting for that very question. Since then, I started the Bible study with him and after it’s finished, I had breakfast and went to work. The word of God was completely move itself. Even at work, my mind was full of studying the Bible, wishing it could get tomorrow morning soon. After studying for two consecutive months, I could finally pass the preaching book level 1.
Seeing a deacon who was cleaning the sanctuary very early in the morning for two months and deaconess who were preparing breakfast for us, I could feel the love of Heavenly Mother. Then, as if everything was already set up, I was allowed the opportunity to preach the gospel with university students in Zion, who were full of passion and ambition. I had many things to learn and try but it was a gracious time to learn and feel the Mother’s love in person. Now I realize everything was prepared in order Mother to save this mere sinner.
In this autumn festival,I prayed to God in tears with earnest mind every morning and evening, repenting the season without knowing how precious our truth is for long time. Finally, God answered my prayer with the fruit.I was allowed to bear a fruit of university student on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
The brother, a Harvard University student watched the Church Introduction Video and he was very surprised with the number of Church around the world. After confirming Heavenly Mother by the words of God in the Bible, he finally received the blessing of the salvation like a gentle lamb. Just obeying Mother’s words allowed me the blessing of precious fruit.
I truly give thanks to Elohim God for allowing me the forgiveness of sin and even completing the mission of preaching the gospel, even though I didn't know nor feel the Mother’s love.
At last, I hope in Heavenly Mother, taking Her love to heart and I will do my best to complete the mission of this precious gospel work allowed from Mother. Heavenly Mother! I really thank you!
Friday, April 12, 2013
The love of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother
I wanna share the love of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother through a epilogue.
Thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother for your love.
Even giving a share of her liver
Trying to see the weather forecast, I turned on the TV.
Changing channels, I stopped; something caught my eyes.
The child seemed to be like a two year old and looked very sick.
The child was suffering genetic metabolic disorder.
As a result, the child had developmental disorder, since the he couldn't digest specific nutrients, and couldn't walk but crawl.
The child had to receive a liver transplant to be cured.
Holding her child, the mother just shed endless tears.
The mother decided to give her liver to her child.
The mother and the child were hospitalized together.
The child cried because of pain and fear.
Though the mother had to go through many examinations, she cried feeling sorry for her child instead of her pain.
The mother gave her child one third of her liver.
Right after the child woke up from anesthetic, he was looking for his mother.
Mother is a person that can only be described with limited words, that is, ‘love.’ She really has something that is so great.
It reminded me about Heavenly Mother who is always sorry thinking that is insufficient, even though She gives out all of Her flesh and blood.
My God the Mother, who is still praying for me...
I give thanks again and again...
Thanks to Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother for your love.
Even giving a share of her liver
Trying to see the weather forecast, I turned on the TV.
Changing channels, I stopped; something caught my eyes.
The child seemed to be like a two year old and looked very sick.
The child was suffering genetic metabolic disorder.
As a result, the child had developmental disorder, since the he couldn't digest specific nutrients, and couldn't walk but crawl.
The child had to receive a liver transplant to be cured.
Holding her child, the mother just shed endless tears.
The mother decided to give her liver to her child.
The mother and the child were hospitalized together.
The child cried because of pain and fear.
Though the mother had to go through many examinations, she cried feeling sorry for her child instead of her pain.
The mother gave her child one third of her liver.
Right after the child woke up from anesthetic, he was looking for his mother.
Mother is a person that can only be described with limited words, that is, ‘love.’ She really has something that is so great.
It reminded me about Heavenly Mother who is always sorry thinking that is insufficient, even though She gives out all of Her flesh and blood.
My God the Mother, who is still praying for me...
I give thanks again and again...
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The Love of Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother
Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother always love us~
Mom’s message
“Why isn't she coming home yet? It’s so late!”
Repeating her words,she was in a dither.
It was all because of my younger sister who still hasn't come home in this late night.
She waits for her call and after a while, she finally grabs her cellphone.
My mom didn't really call her children unless it was something special.
But it was an exception for me and my sister.
It was even more of an exception, when I used to live apart from my family.
I received mom’s text messages every single day.
Though I had my cellphone like my alter ego, I couldn't really reply her messages all the time.
I just felt bad so I couldn't possibly delete her messages, so they just piled up.
Her messages were short and concise, and didn't contain any fancy modifiers or emoticons.However, out of others, they were the friendliest messages, and messages that I could really feel the warmth.
‘I love you darling.’
‘Cheer up pumpkin.’
‘Don’t hang around late at night and go home early.’
‘Are you eating well enough?’
Though I scrolled down and down the messages that I have received, the only difference was the date and time. They were nothing special, but just messages worrying about me.
It could be consider as ‘no big deal, they are just messages,’ but sending those messages, she would have been all anxious, pressing the buttons one by one, trying to send her true heart.
Like the palm of my hand, I can visualize about her thinking about her child all day long, and finally grabbing her cellphone since she couldn't possibly stand still.
In contrary, I am just busy thinking about myself.
However, in a mother’s mind, there is nothing about herself, but full of thoughts for her children.
What’s the use of me talking about Heavenly Mother’s love who gave up Herself for me, the one who was blinded by greed and arrogance?
I cannot repay even with my whole life, or even mimic Heavenly Mother’s love and concern. Receiving Her love and concern, I am the most happiest person in this world.
Mom’s message
“Why isn't she coming home yet? It’s so late!”
Repeating her words,she was in a dither.
It was all because of my younger sister who still hasn't come home in this late night.
She waits for her call and after a while, she finally grabs her cellphone.
My mom didn't really call her children unless it was something special.
But it was an exception for me and my sister.
It was even more of an exception, when I used to live apart from my family.
I received mom’s text messages every single day.
Though I had my cellphone like my alter ego, I couldn't really reply her messages all the time.
I just felt bad so I couldn't possibly delete her messages, so they just piled up.
Her messages were short and concise, and didn't contain any fancy modifiers or emoticons.However, out of others, they were the friendliest messages, and messages that I could really feel the warmth.
‘I love you darling.’
‘Cheer up pumpkin.’
‘Don’t hang around late at night and go home early.’
‘Are you eating well enough?’
Though I scrolled down and down the messages that I have received, the only difference was the date and time. They were nothing special, but just messages worrying about me.
It could be consider as ‘no big deal, they are just messages,’ but sending those messages, she would have been all anxious, pressing the buttons one by one, trying to send her true heart.
Like the palm of my hand, I can visualize about her thinking about her child all day long, and finally grabbing her cellphone since she couldn't possibly stand still.
In contrary, I am just busy thinking about myself.
However, in a mother’s mind, there is nothing about herself, but full of thoughts for her children.
What’s the use of me talking about Heavenly Mother’s love who gave up Herself for me, the one who was blinded by greed and arrogance?
I cannot repay even with my whole life, or even mimic Heavenly Mother’s love and concern. Receiving Her love and concern, I am the most happiest person in this world.
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