World Mission Society Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.
World Mission Society Church of God believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother.
[False Claim]
If Christ Ahnsahnghong is the true God, how can the contents of the book He wrote be changed?
When you compare the 1993 edition of “The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life” with its 2000 edition, His prophecy of the end of the world in 40 years was taken out in the edition of 2000 because this prophecy was not fulfilled.Deleted part –“The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life,” published in 1993
“This word is about the last generation. Therefore, the last Church is the living saints who will transform and ascend to heaven, so the church that is established 40 years ago cannot unseal the seven thunders . . . Thus, this church is the last church that will end in 40 years.”
1. The owner of the truth book
It is a big problem when a mere man changes the words in Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Truth Book without God’s permission. However, when Heavenly Mother who received all the Truth Books from Christ Ahnsahnghong allowed it to be changed, what is the problem?
Christ Ahnsahnghong left all His books to Heavenly Mother. Moreover, Father wrote, “I follow Mother,” in His sermon ‘Walking with God.’ It shows that Mother’s will is the same as Father Ahnsahnghong’s will.
Therefore, revising the word in Father’s Truth Book by following Heavenly Mother’s will is still following Father’s will.
2. The reason it is deleted
Why was this part deleted from the book? It is because some can fall away by distorting the words by only looking at that part like opposers. Heavenly Mother allowed us to take it out since She knew that Her children would fall away because of it. 2,000 years ago, ignorant people also tried to distort the words of the apostles and the Scriptures to their own destruction. It is the same with current opposers in this age.
2 Pe 3:16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
3. Father’s teaching concerning the day or hour
To understand Father’s teaching completely, we must see all His teachings. When we only see part of it, we may easily misunderstand the true will of Father.
In the book, “The Mystery of God and the Spring of the Water of Life,” Father explained one generation is 40 years through the Bible, “ ‘I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened’ ” (Mt 24:34).
However, Father also taught that the words, “The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep” (Mt 25:5), is a prophecy about this age. In His book titled, “The Bridegroom Was a Long Time in Coming, and They All Became Drowsy and Fell Asleep,” He explained that the bridegroom cannot be a long time in coming without the set date, so the bridegroom must appear later than the set date.“The Bridegroom Was a Long Time in Coming, and They All Became Drowsy and Fell Asleep,” p. 30
How can we interpret the words of Mt 25:5, “the bridegroom was a long time in coming”? Without having a set time for the bridegroom to appear, there cannot be the record, “the bridegroom was a long time in coming(delayed – NKJV, RSV).” If there is not a date for when the bridegroom comes, the words, “a long time in coming,” do not make sense. There is no error in the Bible. Everything is written for our salvation.
In the NLT version, it says, “When the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep.” This prophecy must be fulfilled in the last days. The bridegroom will certainly come late even if it is one month after the set date.
4. Slandering by any means
Don’t the opposers, who posted such claim, do not know the book, “The Bridegroom Was a Long Time in Coming, and They All Became Drowsy and Fell Asleep”?
They definitely know it because they mention the book to support their false claim on other contents. Despite that, they intentionally omit the words, “long time in coming,” and only emphasize 40 years, so that only the period of 40 years is the teaching of Father.
They even conclude that this prophecy is wrong. If they did not know the book, “The Bridegroom Was a Long Time in Coming, and They All Became Drowsy and Fell Asleep,” they could misunderstand the prophecy of 40 years. However, they already know the book and still slander the truth because they are the wicked who just want to hinder our church by any means.
<Supplementary Explanation>
1. Salvation does not depend on whether or not we know the date
Christ Ahnsahnghong taught that salvation does not depend on whether or not we know the day or hour. Keeping this in mind, we must believe in Father and Mother who have restored all the truth of the new covenant.From the Preface of “The Bridegroom Was a Long Time in Coming, and They All Became Drowsy and Fell Asleep”
Every prophecy in the Bible must be fulfilled. However, because Christ set the date and also said, “The bridegroom is a long time in coming,” it is a very difficult matter. However, those who firmly believe and obey the new covenant will receive eternal life. Salvation does not depend on whether or not you know the date, but it depends on whether or not you know and believe and obey the truth of the new covenant.If we do not believe the truth but focus on the date, we will be tempted by Satan and fall away from the truth and church before the day.
However, those who believe and obey the new covenant, regardless of the date, will be saved because “to obey is better than sacrifice.”
If someone knows the date of God’s coming and does not do any work, what would the master say? The master would say, “You wicked, lazy servant! Although you knew when I was coming, why didn’t you let others know?” However, to those who do not know the date but faithfully work for the master, he will say, “Good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.” When you read this book, you will know what to do. Amen.
2. The purpose of making known the set times
In fact, it is not for us to know the times or dates God has set by His own authority (Ac 1:7). Nevertheless, the reason Father set the time of 40 years is firstly to fulfill the prophecy of Jonah, and secondly to wake us up so that we can prepare ourselves for the day of God.
1) Jonah’s being in the fish’s belly for three days was a prophecy of Jesus’ being buried in a tomb for three days. In the same way, Jonah’s preaching, “Nineveh will be destroyed in 40 days,” was a prophecy of the Second Coming Christ’s preaching.
2) When the saints think that God is a long time in coming, they may lose their passion for the gospel, hurt each other, and become friends with the world (Mt 24:48-51).
At the time of Jesus’ first coming, the disciples believed that they would ascend to heaven 2,000 years ago (1 Co 15:51; 1 Th 4:17). However, God did not correct them. Since the apostles thought that the day of God would come in their life time, they could
do their best until the end, and they had faith enough to receive the crown of life (2 Ti 4:7-8).
It is the same now. In order for us to work harder for heaven, Christ Ahnsahnghong had us feel that the day of God is close at hand.
Therefore, we should understand the will of God who wants us to make every effort to have enough faith to receive the crown of life. We should be born again to become the true children of God and save dying souls by working hard for the gospel.
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