Tuesday, September 3, 2013

World Mission Society Church of God, WMSCOG, Christ Ahnsahnghong - Maternal Love of the Duck

World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.
World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother.

On the field of construction work, at the extremely dangerous site where the ground was all dug up here and there with heavy equipments, a duck was found sitting like a legendary stone.

The duck was there in the dangerous place without movement, where the heavy equipments and construction vehicles were in motion countless times a day.

When the people came near to it, it fiercely attacked, and though the day and night passed by, the wind blew violently, even throughout the heavy rain fall, it didn’t move from the place it was sitting.

The reason was because of the twelve eggs it was incubating.

It couldn’t be more heartrending seeing the mother duck trying to protect the eggs with all its strength.

Being touched by the mother duck’s maternal love, for a while they decided to leave the space where the duck was incubating the eggs alone, so that the duck can safely hatch the eggs.

However they couldn’t yet guarantee that the eggs could be safely hatched.

That is because when the night came, the wild cat, snakes and all kinds of wild animals gathered to the place, aiming the eggs were.

The construction workers always looked after the surroundings where the mother duck was, and so in 28 days, the 12 ducklings were able to safely come out to this world.

Although the ducklings managed to come out to this world, another crisis remained.

Right after they hatched, the mother duck took her ducklings lining them up, to the stream.

Though it was a small stream, the current was strong, so it was a difficult course for the ducklings.

When the mother duck swam forward, the ducklings, using all their strength, followed the mother.

However, one of the ducklings flowed away being pushed by a current.

The mother duck was weeping for the duckling and went to the place where the duckling was flowing away, riding on a current.

Finally, from all the twists and turns, the duckling was safely rescued, and was able to come to the place where the other ducklings were.

Just as if they were promising not to be apart from each other anymore, the mother duck and the ducklings were all pleased and went to their nest all close behind each other.

Watching this program, again with my heart, I felt the great love of Father and Mother.

Seeing the mother duck desperately finding and taking one of the lost ducklings to the nest, it reminded me one of the parts of the Biblical drama ‘The Great Sacrifice of Mother.’

Because of the children committing grave sin and being expelled to the earth, Mother was heartbroken. No matter how beautiful and peaceful heaven might be, there wouldn’t be joy and happiness without Her children, and so She earnestly asked Father to let Her bring back Her children to heaven.

And until now at this hour, coming to this earth, She seeks for Her children. Treasuring one soul after soul which She has found with Her earnest love, She takes care with love of patience; the foolish children who do not yet realize, and with great anxiety, by any chance that the children might leave Her arms, She holds our hands till the end…

I truly thank You for Your great love and sacrifice.

1 comment:

  1. We can feel "The Great Sacrifice of Mother" through all around the world!! We need Mother who loves us more than Herself!
