World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong & God the Mother.
World Mission Soceity Church of God (WMSCOG) believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong & Heavenly Mother.
Rilke,a poet, died because of the prick of a rose thorn.
If you have a large wound, youbleed, apply medicine, and even go to a hospital.
However when people have small wounds, they just passby.
Small wound don’t tend to bleed, so viruses such astetanus or erysipeloid don’t flow out off the body and just interfuse.
Just like a thorn of a beautiful rose killed Rilke,tiny things have frightening claws more than a tiger.
Beautiful and fragrant things have hideous poisonsmore than a snake.
Lightest words hit the hearts with a frightening soundthan a thunder.
Meanwhile when the children wake up and wash theirfaces,
Meanwhile when the children wake up and greet,
Small thorns like dusts interfuse the body.
While sharpening a pencil, watching a T.V., opening adoor of a refrigerator, opening a drawer, throwing away paper, riding abicycle,
you get pricked by a small and tiny rose thorn.
Others can’t see that small wound that doesn’t evenbleed,
however, Mother sees it.
Love is like a magnifying glass.
Even the smallest wound, in Mother’s eyes, She seesit.
The rose thorn that killed the poet, Rilke.
The small rose thorn that killed the poet, Rilke. However, Mother sees it because of Her great love. So great Her love!