Monday, December 2, 2013

Love that I have forgotten - World Mission Society Church of God, WMSCOG, Christ Ahnsahnghong

World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) keeps the passover according to teaching of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.
World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) keeps the passover according to teaching of Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother.

Being arrogant - wanting to get attention,and to be served.

That was the most difficult part of me that I needed to eliminate.

‘How can they talk without me? I won’t pay attention!’

‘If I make a sad face, would they ask me if I’m OK?’

Though I knew it was a foolish thought, I was just stubborn.

I couldn't let go of the thoughts, wanting to get more attention and more love.

One member thanked Heavenly Father and Mother for allowing all the members to be together, because if we have met in this world, we wouldn't have been able to get along with our different personalities.

‘Do they hate me? Are they just holding their temper? Am I a person who cannot be loved?’

Though I outwardly agreed to the point,inwardly, I felt bitter.

Then something came up in my mind.

When a member said that no one loved him, Heavenly Mother said, “Why do you need love from sinners when God loves you?”

‘That’s right.We are all sinners... Heavenly Mother loves me always even though I do or do not realize...’

Though I've been receiving overflowing love, with the everlasting love at my side, I was foolish; endlessly craving for love.

I had enough love if I only had Heavenly Mother’s love. Why did I forget about such an overwhelming fact?

Mother, I am so sorry.

I forgot all about Your love because of my arrogance and greed.

Now, I will never forget Your precious love.

It doesn't matter if no one loves me at all.

That is because I have Your love.

Heavenly Mother, I love You and love You and love You...

1 comment:

  1. Ahh... There is Heavenly Mother!! Sometimes I forgot. But there is always Heavenly Mother!!!
