Monday, October 14, 2013

Love that Doesn’t Need Confirmation - World Mission Society Church of God, WMSCOG, Christ Ahnsahnghong

World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) follows Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.
World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) follows Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother.

When I was young, I was alwaysthirsty for mom’s love.

Being the eldest daughter, I needed to yield and consider for my younger brothers and sisters. Even from the smallest things such as food or clothes was their priority.

So I thought that my mom alwayswas on their side and loved them only.

On puberty, these thoughtsincreased and I started somehow feel emptiness and loneliness.

So I did everything what I could do to receive herconcern and love.

Without hesitation, I did many wrong things, evendangerous things such as cutting myself.

By those deeds, just as I have wanted, I could receive her concern and love.

At last, sometime when I got married I realized how muchI have been spending an immature life.

My mom confessed that she couldn't treat me nicely because she was suffering fromdepression.

Infact, because she loved me more than anyone one else, she cried and said thatshe hurt me. However, I didn't even care for mom’s pain and sadness.

Does the love between parents and children really need confirmation?

Though I didn't need to confirm, why did I put on effort to win her love?

Just like I did to my mom, I see myself wounding her andgiving her pain.

After receiving Heavenly Mother, for a moment I would bejoyful and give thanks, and whenever I was tested, I would grumble and complain.

I whined that I couldn't understand Her words and chafed, and Mother would hold my hardened hands and embrace me with her love.

My young daughter cannot get off the food and drink that is on her mouth, change herself with clean clothes or even change herself with new diapers.

I guess our appearance would be just like this.

Heavenly Mother wipes away the sins and faults that we cannot personally wipe away, creating us as the ornaments of the beautiful finelinen.

Now that I know Heavenly Mother calmly loves me, I won't doubt or go impatient trying to confirm Mother’s love.

Coming down to this earth for this immature child, washing away all of the sins and faults of Their children, Father and Mother opened the bright, heavenly way. Igive infinite thanks and eternal glory for Their great love and grace.


  1. Though I didn't realize Heavenly Mother's love and sacrifice, She has loved me and prays for me. It's not fair. But I still give pain to God the Mother, and She endures the pain. Just becuse She is our spritual Mother.
    Give all glory and thanks to our Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother.

  2. Sometimes i forget the existence of our Mother, even though all the things that i have,the faith and wisdom and the knowledge of the Bible and many blessings, is from Her. But i know She never forget me, She always wait me come back to Her with the perfect faith. I hope and i wish and i pray that Heavenly Mother please be with me to the end
